Wednesday, March 5, 2014

so, uh, you wanna come over sometime and hang out?

I thought I had work at 9 AM so I went there and everything and I actually don't work until four. Great.

Did you know that it's way harder to make friends after you're married? First of all, there is way less to relate to single people about nowadays, and if you want couple friends you both have to like both of them and have the time and money and compatible interests, schedules, and budgets (or lack thereof) to build something, and what am I supposed to do, just invite one of the ladies from my ward over to hang out? One on one? yikes.

It was nice when I lived in an apartment with five other girls, and lots of other girls and boys would come over on Sundays and we'd all eat cake. When Lizzie started hanging out with us, she started hanging out with US. We all talked and joked around and bonded. It was easy. Not so intense as like me inviting her over and us sitting on opposite couches and trying to get to the point.

BUT I lived at the Riv for a long time before I found all my people. I lived with cool girls who taught me a lot about being a girl but ended up liking my dumb ex-boyfriend probably a lot more than me, and then some friend-acquaintances for a while before hitting the jackpot. I always knew everyone because my calling forced me to be involved, but it took me a long time to stumble into those eternal friendships. Even in high school, our core group wasn't solidly formed until just before senior year.

Maybe I'll just have a lot of "me parties" (copyright jaime christensen) and watch a lot of one tree hill while the friendship bricks are slowly laid. This is pretty creepy but I've totally already picked out a few people that are awesome and that I would totally hang out with if that was a thing that happened. Is it? I don't know.