Monday, December 23, 2013

i wish i knew more synonyms for weird. (skip to the end for the really weird part) (like it is really strange)

Isn't blogging weird? Sometimes I see people saying sorry for going a month without posting something and I"m like, why are you apologizing for this? I would say everyone who even double taps one of my instagram photos is doing me a big favor by validating my life. (just kidding about that, but it does make me bashful/grateful.) I've never kept up a blog because what am I going to write about? I do not have a hilariously comical anecdote to share that often. Maybe if I had kids I would have more to talk about. Wait. Hmmm...... Where's Eythan....?

HAHA just kidding, don't get your hopes up, having babies is gross.

But actually, everytime I see a link to a blog on facebook, I click that shiz right away. Whether it's one of the newlywed blogs (which are always called something like Young and In Love, Two Beating Hearts, or SoulMates 4Eva) or an opinionated rant, or an outrageous happening in life of someone I barely know, I'M THERE. It's just like way interesting to get a tiny glimpse into how someone else lives and/or thinks. I have no idea why I find it so dang entertaining. Maybe for the same reason people watch reality TV, and that reason is that deep down we are all creepily voyeuristic. It's weirdly fascinating to get that much insight into someone else without giving them anything in return. You don't have to hang out and talk about what's going on in their life, you don't have to provide any feedback, you just read what they're sharing with the world while you're bored in class. (as long as your screen is facing away from the teacher.)

Speaking of blogs that are fascinating. Oh crap, should I write about this? Probably not. Well there was this girl, who dated Eythan, and I've been weirdly hung up/obsessed with how weird it is that someone was really close to my HUSBAND and his family for that little while. I dated people seriously before, so I should get it, but I don't and it weirds me out. Plus I "accidentally" "stumbled" across her blog and how bizarre is it to read something someone wrote while they were in love with your love? I curse my morbid curiosity.

The thing is. Her blog wasn't like ranting or recipes or anything, more just like her thoughts I think. And you know? She seems pretty quirky and cool and interesting. But there were pictures. And one picture was of a huge box of letters she'd gotten from him while he was in Romania. Isn't that weird? Isn't it weird that I'm jealous of things that happened while I was completely out of the picture? Plus I'm just saying, we stayed with his family over Thanksgiving, and we found a piece of her mail on the counter. Because she used to live there. (It was while he was on his mission and for perfectly good reasons, but seriously.) How freaking, flipping, ferociously weird is it that I go with my husband to stay in a house where his ex-girlfriend used to live with his family? It freaks the flipping heck out of my mind. Probably you don't understand because you have never been in that situation. (Seriously. Hopefully you have never been in that situation, because does that EVEN HAPPEN?) It's weird weird weird, that's the moral; don't move in with your arm candy's family. Because you will leave on a mission six months before he gets back from his (which is actually something that I thought was brave and I admire) because your relationship will wind down, and then I will contact your arm candy because I still think he is cute, and then I will date and eventually marry your former arm candy, making him mine. We will be very happy, and I predict that you will find a new arm candy when you get back, that is even better for you than the other arm candy, but I will feel uncomfortable every time I think about how freaking, flipping weird it was that you once lived in room we made out in over Thanksgiving.

(but i win because now i live with him.ha)

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